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The Education

" Education " whenever any one hear this word find a pathway of peace, optimism and a instrument to end all the Evils of Society but what recent Events happened in these educational Institutions it seems the education is Demon or the evil wants to suppress education which is fighting with it.  If we come on the holy term of right wing and it's criticisers left wing so called as Nationalism whose history lies in western concept and criticised by  Rabindranath tagore in its  statement in an article says in pluralist country like india it works as pull to divisiveness. Nationalism that is dependent on the identification and demonisation of an “other”, be it another country or another community, is obviously divisive and helps to foment a culture of violence. If you take any of the recent event the question right wing  always presents it measures nationalism as a context how much you hate pakistan. So the problem is that you are not responsible in which country you are b...

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